If you’ve spent any amount of time on the site and just looking around, you’ll see that a handful of times we mention that “Ask Us How We Can Help You Get Up To $200 In Free Local Marketing and Advertising!”. First off, this isn’t a gimmick. This isn’t some way for us to get our foot in the door so we can upsell you on all of our services. It’s not a money-making scheme or some way to rope you into some long-term contract where you are out thousands of dollars. We don’t operate that way. That’s shady business tactics and we’re not up for it. 

We are serious though. And here’s the thing: it’s quite easy and quick to get. But here’s the caveat: most people don’t know how to get it and even if they do, most of the time they end up wasting that free advertising and marketing money. One of the nice things about getting serious about your online presence is many companies will throw freebies at you to get you to enlist their services. Most of the time these freebies are true to value. They say “We’ll give you $100 in free ad spend!” and they mean it. The problem with this strategy is they give you the keys to a brand new Lamborghini and you most likely have no clue how to drive one. Have you ever driven a Lamborghini? It’s not easy. There’s a lot of torque and get-up in those cars. 


The trick is turning that free cash into customers or leads for your company.

The trick is turning that free cash into customers or leads for your company. In a survey we performed with companies who took advantage of Google and Bing’s free advertising promotion, only 5% reported the ad spend as effective. And out of that 5% who said the spend was effective, less than half of them were able to determine if any leads were generated. And not surprisingly, 95% of those who used the promotion continued advertising with Google or Bing. What a waste…right? Here’s the problem( (well…there’s actually a handful of problems). First, they had no way of measuring results. Most companies do not have their sites properly tagged with analytics (yes…we are pros at that). Secondly, most participants were driving that paid traffic to pages where they had no way to capture the lead. And finally, the marketing copy and all the psychological words and phrases that turns prospects into customers wasn’t utilized. 

Before you take advantage of this free cash (and yes…it is completely free), you need to have a simple strategy in place so that you take advantage of every free penny Google and Bing is offering. We’ve been part of paid campaigns where a $.10 click has created a customer who ends up spending thousands over the lifetime of their customer journey. And if you don’t have a website, no worries. You can easily drive ads (and all that free moo-lah) into a phone call or a free quote from one of your business listings. The trick is you have to have a strategy in place. And the beautiful thing is those strategies are not that difficult to create. Reach out to Idaho Internet Marketing today to find out how we can help you get free advertising from Google and Bing. No strings attached 😉



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